Kale: Halbhoher Grun Krauser (organic)

Only 2 available

Halbhoher Grun Krauser Kale seeds (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica). Organic vegetable seeds from Tamar Organics. 

Dwarf Green Curled type. Frost-hardy kale with dark green, deeply curled heads.

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  • Grow in the Brassica section of your rotation.

    Sow seed in April and May in a seed bed. Sprinkle seed in shallow drills allowing 15cm between the rows. There is no need to thin the seedlings.

  • Around July time, when the young plants are about 10-15cm tall, transplant into the permanent growing site. Dig a planting hole and replant quite deeply spacing them about 45cm apart. Water well.

    Harvest from October until February. You can take individual leaves or cut the main head but leave the plants in as they will produce lots of side shoots.

  • 250 seeds

  • Tamar Organics are on a mission to encourage people to grow at least some of their own food and to do it organically.

    Organic growing helps to protect the environment, improves soil and encourages biodiversity. Using organic seeds means that you are supporting organic farmers and acres and acres of land under organic management.

    Tamar Organics started as a small organic market garden in 1994. They have been registered as producers with the soil association since that time. They added their processor license in 2000 when they became one of the first UK companies to offer organic seeds.

    They are inspected every year by the Soil Association, and the plant health seed inspectorate. They participate in the GMO audit. They do not support the development of genetically modified seeds and none of Their seeds are GMs.